We are the ultimate destination for conscientious shoppers looking to curate spaces with sustainability in mind. Our thoughtful exclusive drops aim to minimise the detrimental effects of consumerism, while also encouraging shoppers to explore the origins and processes behind our products.


We believe in fair working conditions
We believe in a respectful community
We believe in slow and considered products
We believe in supporting local production
We believe in individual empowerment
We believe in celebrating creativity
We believe in product transparency


We believe in recycling
We believe in reusing
We believe in reselling
We believe in zero waste
We believe in respecting our waters
We believe in sustainable packaging
We believe in a plastic free world


We believe in second life materials (up/recycled)
We believe in a transparent and fair supply chain
We believe in supporting independently owned
brands & sellers
We believe that less has more meaning
We believe cost should correlate to quality &

We require every product on our platform to have at least one of these options below...

Locally Made
Certified NFC
Charitable Giveback
Plastic Free
Second Hand
Upcycled / Recycled
Zero Waste

Together, at every step

We love that actions speak louder than words. Together, with our community, we’re acting – by demanding transparency and championing thoughtful products. We know there’s a long way to go. But we’re moving towards a more sustainable future.

Thanks for joining us on our journey.